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Using Cold Showers For Reiki Self-Cleansing - Techniques You Can Do

Using Cold Showers For Reiki Self-Cleansing - Techniques You Can Do

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Using Cold Showers For Reiki Self-CleansingUsing Reiki With Your Normal Cleansing Routine

None of these procedures need the use of the Reiki Symbols, thus they are accessible to anybody with any degree of Reiki. However, if you are a Second Degree practitioner, you can begin by drawing a Power Symbol over each palm, intending for Reiki to flow to clear and cleanse your energy body, which can speed up the process.

Man in shower

Using Cold Showers For Reiki Self-Cleansing

I propose taking a cold shower to cleanse your physical and energetic bodies properly. The truth is, I realize it's a bad idea, but it truly works! You should consult your doctor before using this approach if you have any health issues that make you more sensitive to the cold water shock.

This "shock" of the water's "vibrant cleansing energy" causes the negative or "sticky" energy that is held in and around your physical body to be shaken loose. In addition to cleaning your physical body and promoting relaxation, taking a hot or warm shower or bath increases the size of your aura. This may make it more difficult to eliminate the negative, sticky energy from your energy body. As a result, rather than ending your shower with cold water to seal the skin's pores, as some do, you should use it at the beginning rather than the conclusion.

Let the cold water trickle over all of your chakras to ensure that they are thoroughly cleansed. If you don't want to wash your hair, you can wear a shower cap instead of standing right under the showerhead with the cold water drenching you all at once. The water running over the cap will still clean your head chakra. Only ten seconds are required for the entire process of submersion.

This includes all of your main chakras in the front (from your crown to your root), along with all of your minor chakras and significant points on your meridian system, such as your shoulder blades, forearm, and wrist joints and even your hip and ankle joints. The showerhead may be held in your hand, and you can direct the water swiftly, always in a downward flow—I normally begin with my feet, then proceed down each shoulder, down each arm, and then down each side of the body—to get used to the warmth. As the last step, I allowed the water to cascade down both legs and feet, starting at the top of my head, working its way to the center of my back. The moment this is done, you may raise the water temperature, and I guarantee that you will feel clean, rejuvenated, and refreshed at the end of the shower.

Even if you don't have access to an actual shower in your home, you can use a pitcher to have the same effect by filling it with cold water and pouring it over your chakras while you're sitting in a bath. Fill the pitcher with hot water and then cover yourself in a towel or vigorously towel off to help you warm up. This is also an option.

You should take at least two cold showers a day—one in the morning to wash off any negative energy you may have picked up during the night, and another before bed to wash off the negative "stuff" we accumulate throughout the day (even if this doesn't happen, any negative thoughts or dreams can "pollute" our energy field). Even the suffering and violence we've witnessed on the news or heard about on the radio or in person can leave an electrical imprint on our minds.

In the care professions, or in any profession where you deal with negative people, I strongly advocate a cold shower immediately after work; otherwise, the negative energy you have been taking all day from your clients will slowly seep into that comfy chair you fall into when you come home. It's far better to wash it all off, put on fresh clothes, and be ready to enjoy the evening.

Don't freak out if you start thinking about all the negative energy you've brought into your house over the years after reading this. The Power Symbol should be placed in every room of the house, on every chair, sofa, and bed, and the corners, walls, floors, and ceilings of each one.

Simply sit with your hands open on your lap if you haven't done Reiki 2. Visualize a white light filling your home with Reiki and allow it to flow around your home to purify the energies there. Reiki gently removes layers of negativity that have been lying around for a long time over several weeks.

Using Reiki With Your Normal Cleansing Routine

As a result of these cold showers, I'm sure you'll continue with your usual cleansing routine—hot baths and hot showers are two of life's greatest pleasures, I believe. As an alternative, you can place a Reiki Power Symbol over your showerhead, which will allow the water to purify and heal you while you take a shower.

Also, you can use the Power Symbol to ensure you are bathing in healing, cleansing water by drawing it over the water before you enter the tub (or sitting in it if you forget). A few drops of lavender oil and a few flickering candles complete the picture of a refreshing and soothing retreat. (Remember that a lit candle should never be left unattended.)

The self-cleansing techniques described in this article can help you keep your energy body clear so that Reiki can flow more freely through you, and you should try to incorporate them into your Reiki practice regularly.

Sally Nardone | Women’s Grace & Empowerment Leader 🌻Reiki Master Teacher, Usui/Tibetan/Lightarian/HolyFire 🌱 Meditations/Sessions/Courses/Workshops 🌹 Soul Coach Facilitator


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Original Karuna Attunements - The Sai Baba Reiki Attunements

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