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Top Magical Reiki Symbols

Top Magical Reiki Symbols

Table of Contents

OverviewReiki Symbols at level 1Reiki Symbols at level 2Reiki Symbols at level 3/MasterOther reiki symbolsReiki 3a – Holy Fire Reiki

Welcome to our Reiki symbols page. Here you will learn about the different symbols you will be attuned to with our Reiki program. We also offer information on how to use those symbols in a practical way. At the end of the page you will also find information about other Reiki symbols that can be used in association with your healing practice. These are given for informative purposes and do not form part of our reiki courses.


Reiki Level 1

There are no symbols associated with Reiki level 1. This is a prepatory level, introducing you to the energies of Reiki, although you can still carry out a self-healing and practice with the energies after being attuned to level 1. The entry to Reiki healing is via this course and you will learn about clearing your energies and making yourself the best vessel you can be to conduct the Reiki healing energies. You will be given advice and information on the best way to achieve this. Once you have taken level 1 and practices the techniques you are ready to move on.

Reiki Level 2

At Reiki level 2 you are introduced to the first 3 symbols that you will use in your healing practise. Level 2 will deepen the knowledge you acquired in Level 1 and you will discover information about the symbols and how to put them into practice. You are encouraged to practice on yourself and others before moving onto Level 3 (Master) Reiki.

Reiki Level 3 (Master Level)

At Reiki level 3 you will be introduced to two further symbols, including the Master symbol. At the third level your experience will be increased as you learn to master the energies.

Please read below for more information about each of the symbols and what they can help with.

Reiki Symbols at level 1

There are no symbols.

Reiki Symbols at level 2

The Power Symbol - Cho Ku Rei (pronounced chou koo ray)

This symbol is one of the symbols you are attuned to at level 2 Reiki. The symbol has the ability to activate all the other symbols you will be attuned to. The energies associated with level 2 can only be released or channelled when you invoke this symbol.

The Actual Meaning Of Cho Ku Rei (CKR)

  • CHO – To cut or remove illusions in order to see the whole.
  • KU – Penetrating through
  • REI – universal (everywhere)

Therefore, the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol allows you to work by removing resistance, allowing the healing to rake place. It can energize and give spiritual protection and should always be used at the beginning of a reiki healing session and many Practitioners also use it at the end of the session to put protection in place.

How To Use The Symbol In Healing

There are a few ways you can use this symbol (it doesn’t have to be drawn in the air or on a person). It can be visualized or sent towards the intended person in white light.

What Can The Cho Ku Rei Symbol Be Used For

The Cho Ku Rei symbol can be used in a variety of different ways and not just for healing. For example, it can be used:

  • For cleansing, purifying and protecting areas including, home space, office, car, crystals, etc.
  • Symbol can be placed in children’s clothes to help give them protection
  • Give you protection in any situation
  • Brings balance into an area, especially if there is disharmony
  • To improve career or business
  • Protection whilst travelling on any mode of transport

The Mental/Emotional Symbol - Sei HeKi (pronounced say high key)

This symbol is one of the symbols you are attuned to at level 2 Reiki. The symbol has the ability to activate all the other symbols you will be attuned to.

The Actual Meaning Of Sei HeKi (SH)

  • Sei – Coming into being
  • Heki – Balance

Therefore, the Sei-Heki symbol allows you to work by releasing any emotional or mental blockages. By removing the blockages you can allow the healing to flow more easily.

How To Use The Symbol In Healing

There are a few ways you can use this symbol (it doesn’t have to be drawn in the air or on a person). It can be visualized or projected towards the intended target.

What Can The Sei-HeKi Rei Symbol Be Used For

The Sei-Heki symbol is particularly useful for those who have addictions or long-standing problems that are attributed to the state of the mind, such as depression, etc. It can also be used in a variety of other ways. For example, it can be used:

  • To enhance affirmations and beliefs
  • Helping to locate lost items
  • Helps with weight loss
  • Works on nervousness or fear to calm it down
  • Clears a negative working environment
  • Improves creativity
  • Clears anger, sadness or other negative emotions that are difficult to release

The Distance Symbol – Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (pronounced honsha zaysho nen)

This symbol is the third sacred symbol you are attuned to at level 2 Reiki. This is the symbol of distant or absence healing and it allows you to transcend space and time to send healing anywhere it is needed.

The Actual Meaning Of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (HSZSN)

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen – has a general overall meaning that means no past, no present no future

Therefore, the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol allows you to work on anyone’s timeline, including past lives as well as childhood and future selves. The healing is unlimited by time or location.

How To Use The Symbol In Healing

There are a few ways you can use this symbol (it doesn’t have to be drawn in the air or on a person). This symbol should not focus on one particular place or issue in the body.

What Can The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbol Be Used For

When using the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen you should not focus on a particular problem as that may not be the actual cause of the issue. Much like referred pain in the body (meaning it hurts in one place, but the actual problem is in a different place). By using this symbol in distance healing without preconception, it will go to wherever the healing is actually needed (not where you or the patient think it is needed). For example, it can be used:

  • To beam energy to another person across the room from you
  • To release traumatic hidden memories from the past
  • Releasing understanding from previous incarnations by accessing the Akashic records
  • Send to world leaders to help correct decision making
  • Help heal burns when a person cannot be physically touched
  • Heal the inner child

Reiki Symbols at level 3/Master

The Master Symbol - Dai Ko Myo (pronounced dye-ko-me-o)

This symbol is the master symbol and only people who are attuned to the Master level can use the symbol.

The Actual Meaning Of Dai Ko Myo (DKM)

Dai Ko Myo – has a general overall meaning that means great shining light

How To Use The Symbol In Healing

Masters use this symbol to help heal the soul or where there is very deep pain within a person. Again, there are a few ways you can use this symbol (it doesn’t have to be drawn in the air or on a person).

What Can The Dai Ko Myo Symbol Be Used For

The Dai Ko Myo symbol is usually used in conjunction with other symbols when carrying out healing. For example, it can be used:

  • To heighten intuition and psychic abilities
  • Increase or develop creativity
  • Connect more deeply with spiritual purpose
  • Powerful self-empowerment
  • Quickly ease headaches or migraines
  • Masters use this symbol to manifest

The Balance Symbol - Tam-A-Ra-Sha (pronounced tamarasa)

This symbol is the master symbol and only people who are attuned to the Master level can use the symbol.

The Actual Meaning Of Tam-A-Ra-Sha

Tam-A-Ra-Sha – this is a westernized symbol and has a general overall meaning of grounding

How To Use The Symbol In Healing

Masters use this symbol to help ground themselves. It can be used before and after a healing session to ensure they clear away any negative energies either from themselves, or what may have inadvertently been picked up from the client. This ensures the negative energy does not become stored, leading to illness.

What Can The Tam-A-Ra-Sha Symbol Be Used For

The Tam-A-Ra-Sha symbol is usually used in conjunction with other symbols when carrying out healing. For example, it can be used:

  • To unblock energy centres
  • To balance chakras
  • Helps to reduce or remove pain
  • Heals the soul
  • Helps ground the reiki practitioner

Other reiki symbols

There are a number of other symbols that can be used in your reiki practice. These vary according to different energy systems. They are listed here just for your general guidance and interest

Dumo Symbol - (pronounced do moe)

The Dumo symbol is known as the Tibetan Master symbol. It is related to Kundalini Reiki. This symbol merges the mind and spirit together and works with the energies in the base chakra. It can be used to remove negative energies and disease from a room and is often used to cleanse crystals.

Raku Symbol

This is another Tibetan symbol. It is primarily used by Reiki Teachers to close the connection between themselves and the student they have been working with, usually following an attunement ceremony. It can also be used at the end of a healing session to end the energy transfer between the healer and patient. It is a grounding symbol and can actually be used in any situation where you feel you need grounding. Some Masters use this symbol to help remove negative karma, particularly from their students, in order to raise their level of consciousness.

Fire Dragon – Fire Serpent Symbol

This is a common symbol that is used prior to a healing session. The fire dragon symbol works by opening the chakras and aligning them in order to allow the Kundalini energy to rise up for healing work.

White Light Symbol

The white light symbol is direct energy from the creator, the One God, The Diving, or however you like to express All That Is. It helps to intensify any healing symbol you use.

Reiki 3a – Holy Fire Reiki

Some masters felt that there was a gap in training and experience between level 2 and Mastership level, and so created a further 2 levels – 3a and 3b. These are not absolutely necessary to pursue and they do not form part of the traditional usual Usui reiki course, and of course they do not originate directly from Mikao Usui himself. However, they can help give a Practitioner confidence and increase their abilities. The information has been included here as a reference for students. You should already be attuned to Reiki level 2 and been practicing for at least 6 months before carrying out the Holy Fire training.

What Reiki 3a will do for you is allow a Master to attune you to the Master symbol, allowing you to use it. This is particularly helpful for those who do not yet feel they are ready to be a Master and take on the responsibility of attuning others or teaching Reiki. It will help to increase confidence and deepen your knowledge and spirituality.

This is a follow-on course from the Reiki 3a. You will be able to attune others after taking this course and it will deepen your knowledge in areas such as hypno-healing with Reiki and psychic surgery. This will also help give you information on how to attune others into the Reiki healing and can be invaluable in empowering you. This course is designed to help you learn how to facilitate and share Reiki as well as teach others and perform the attunement ceremony. It can also help you learn how to set up a successful Reiki business.

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The Ethics Of Distant Reiki Healing

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The Karuna Reiki Attunements

A common belief is that compassionate action is captured in this non-traditional form of Reiki. When used in conjunction with Usui Reiki, it has a powerful effect on its own, but even more so.

Karuna Master Symbols and Their Uses

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Kuan Yin - The Goddess Of Mercy

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Possible Side Effects Of A Karuna Reiki Attunement

Becoming a Reiki practitioner with the ability to heal oneself and others is a beautiful path that allows you to make a difference in the world. While it is exciting to receive an attunement in order to increase your frequency and connection to the universal life force energy, these attunements come at a cost.

The Traditional Karuna Reiki Attunements

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Original Karuna Attunements - The Sai Baba Reiki Attunements

For those wishing to view the original Sai Baba attunement process in order to compare it to later attunements, these are included for informational purposes only. You will notice a resemblance between these and the attunements developed later.

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