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The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra

Table of Contents

Quick CorrespondantsDuality and ChangeThe Pleasure PrincipleClairsentienceSacral Chakra AffirmationsYoga Postures

Quick Correspondants

Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana

Meaning: Sweetness

Body Location: Lower Abdomen, genitals

Glands: Ovaries, testicles

Element: Water

Function: Desire, pleasure, sexuality

Seed Sound: Vam

Mantra: I feel

Incense: Gardenia, damiana

Minerals: Carnelian, coral,  moonstone

Deities: Indra, Varuna, Diana, Dionysus

Archangel: Gabriel

Duality and Change

Moving up from the Root Chakra which is focused on oneness (with self and the environment) we are influenced by duality in our Sacral Chakra. When one extends to two, unity transforms into duality. Here we realize division and difference. This division can inspire detestment or desire, but this chakra focuses on the forces that spark creativity and pleasure. This is why this center is located in the womb/genitals, for it is the things that we wish to attach ourselves to in a blissful relationship or the creativity that sparks the ‘birth’ of a project/creation. In the Sacral Chakra it is important to identify that things naturally want to unite into one, thus connecting us to the idea that opposites attract. The inner polarities that we feel internally can be married into one total understanding of the self. Instead of keeping our shadow separate from the parts of ourselves we believe to be better or more acceptable we must acknowledge the qualities of our shadow self and integrate that energy so our energy is unified as one.

The sacral chakra urges change. Moving into this center moves us into the water element which urges our fluidity and motion. This change is stimulated by the relationship between our polarities, we can use their tension to transform. By acknowledging our shadowy aspects instead of ignoring their existence we can inspire the energy of regeneration. We can recycle the energy that no longer serves us and create a new purpose that is in alignment with our highest vision. Change is the only constant in life, and if we refuse this our energy will grow stagnant and dormant. When water vibrates fast enough it turns into the air that will stoke the fire of the solar plexus chakra and eventually reach the heart. However, if we allow our water molecules to slow their movement into a stagnant state we are left with ice, which is unmoving and without flow.

The Pleasure Principle

The name of this chakra translates to sweetness, asking us to taste the sweetness in our life. This could be by the means of sexuality, emotion, sensation, movement, nurturance, etc. Pleasure gives us the opportunity to worship our temple and fulfill its needs to then have a foundation for creativity, love, and power. It is important to taste the sweetness, but we must also know our boundaries. This chakra can be harmed by overindulgence as well as shutting ourselves off from pleasure.  An important note is that what brings you pleasure is unique and specially crafted. If something is deemed pleasurable by society but is not resonating with you, your taking part in it will not aid in your sacral chakra health. Find what YOU enjoy and do that. Pleasurable experiences strengthen the mind and body communication in the same way pain does. Pleasure allows our bodies to relax and release.  To experience pleasure we can reach into a deeper connection with our senses. Our senses allow us to have a full experience of the world around us, and by denying pleasurable sensation we are denying bodily function. Connecting with your senses can be a meditative practice, deeply identifying the way something feels on your skin or smells or tastes.


Clairsentience is the psychic ability of the Sacral Chakra, which is the ability to sense other people's emotions. It can be replaced by the word empathy. The sensation of this sense can be very subtle, but it is important to be able to differentiate when we are feeling someone else's feelings.  This is connected to womb energy as some of the most innate clairsentience comes with motherhood. In such relationships (familial, friends, etc.) clairsentience can be a helpful tool in understanding and nurturing your loved ones. However, in a broader sense it is most vital to have boundaries. Many empathetic people stay away from large crowds or parties, but if they better understand the separation between self and others they could realize the duality/difference that this chakra focuses on. 

Sacral Chakra Affirmations

  • I feel
  • I feel creative
  • I allow sweetness and sensuality into my life
  • I feel safe to express my sexuality
  • I feel comfortable in my body
  • I honor my sacred vessel
  • I feel in touch with my emotions

Yoga Postures

Goddess Pose

Lie flat on your back focusing especially on relaxation in your hips and lower back. Bend your knees and bring your feet together and close to your butt. Slowly let your knees fall apart, letting gravity stretch the inner thighs. Do not force your legs farther than what is comfortable. When ready bring the knees back together and repeat as many times as you are called.

Hip  Circles

In a standing position slightly bend your knees and drop your pelvis forward into your central line of gravity. Begin to rotate the pelvis in a small circle slowly expanding into larger circles. Make the movement smooth and really connect your mind into the pelvis, hips, and lower back.

Scissor Kicks

Lie on your back with your legs extended straight out from your hips. Lift your legs 6 to 12 inches off of the floor and spread them so that one leg is higher than the other. Bring the legs back together and switch which leg is raised higher. Your legs should look like they are cutting the air between them. Rest when needed, and even try a double leg raise instead of alternating scissor kicks.

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