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The Importance Of Daily Reiki Self-Treatment

The Importance Of Daily Reiki Self-Treatment

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The Importance Of Daily Self-TreatmentConclusion

Self-healing requires that you be able to give yourself Reiki every day. Because Reiki treats the body, mind, emotions, and spirit as a whole, your usage helps you achieve harmony and balance. This self-healing requires that you give yourself daily Reiki self-treatment.

The Importance Of Daily Self-Treatment

Reiki self-healing

Your Reiki Master may also offer you additional hand positions for specific ailments during your first Reiki 1 class, which you can use to give yourself a self-treatment. Each hand position should be kept for between three and five minutes so that a full treatment would take somewhere between thirty-six minutes and an hour to complete. When time is an issue, you can cut the duration of each hand position to one or two minutes if it is essential. Even a small amount of Reiki is better than none at all, and you may be able to give yourself a more prolonged treatment on another day.

When it comes to timing, there are CDs and tapes specifically designed for use during Reiki sessions, so those can be beneficial. My preferred method of counting the seconds is to keep my eyes closed so I can't see the clock's ticking, even though it helps me keep track of the time.

Your ability to let the energy influence how long you spend in each hand position and where you place your hands will improve with experience. Even yet, if you're always hurrying your self-care and giving yourself less time, you might want to pause and consider why this is the case. Why don't you take a few minutes out of your day to relax and recharge? Don't you think it's about time? Alternatively, are you moving at a rate that is too fast for you? Are you hurrying around after everyone else and neglecting your own needs in the process? Self-love and self-care are not mutually exclusive, and self-care is not selfish. This makes sense. It doesn't matter how much love you receive from others if you feel loved and appreciated by yourself.

Even though self-treatments can be done at any time of day or night, lying down or sitting in a comfortable chair is preferable because your body and arms are adequately supported. Just after getting out of bed is the optimum time. However, set your alarm clock to go off again approximately 40 minutes later if you fall back asleep.

Also, it's an excellent way to wind down for the night, but if you're exhausted, you may only get to the fourth or fifth hand position before falling asleep. If you have difficulty sleeping or wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, a Reiki self-treatment is a great option.

It's pretty okay if you don't always conduct your self-treatment at the same time each day; it should be something you like doing for yourself, not something you feel obligated to do. You could try it after the kids have gone to school or during your lunch break; if you commute by bus or train, you could even try it while sitting on the bus or train.

It's important to note that you don't experience as much sensation in your hands as when treating others when treating yourself. Many of my students say they feel nothing in their hands when they self-treat, and I've noticed the same thing since 1991 when I started self-treating. Don't be alarmed—this does not imply that Reiki is not flowing; you will most likely experience other signs such as a deep sense of relaxation.

Please keep your hands still until the sensation subsides if your hands become hot, chilly, and tingly while treating certain places of your body. If this happens, more Reiki is needed. Please do not remove your hands from the area you are treating until the experience subsides. The hand positions do not have to be timed to the second. No matter how long you keep your hands in the same position, there is no harm in doing so if you feel it is necessary.


Reiki's ability to eliminate blockages and promote healing on all levels improves with daily self-treatments; the more Reiki you receive, the more effective it is. You'll probably miss it if you don't give yourself treatment for any reason because it's a pleasant, contemplative experience in addition to the health benefits.

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