The practitioner performs the first five hand positions standing or seated behind the client's head. Gently position both hands beneath the head, palms upward (it may be easier to do this one hand at a time, but be careful not to pull their hair), with your tiny fingers touching and your fingertips roughly level with the base of the skull. Maintain this position for 3 to 5 minutes, then softly and gradually remove both hands simultaneously, allowing the client's head to rest back on the cushion. Reposition your hands in position 2.
Angeline Kohan
If you offered someone a full Reiki treatment, it's recommended that you wait until you have completed your 21-day clearing and cleaning process and have done many self-treatments. Once you are ready to begin, remember that anyone you treat must come into a warm, safe and supportive setting.
Angeline Kohan
Using Reiki to others to help them is a natural goal, and it is a joy to be able to do so. However, the title of healer that certain people may bestow upon you may prove problematic.
Frankie Fox
When your energy levels are low due to a hectic schedule or a stressful day, you may benefit from a bit of pick-me-up. The below strategies appears to be effective.
Cameron Phillips
Over 80 years after Dr. Usui asked his students to follow this set of rules, they are still relevant to Reiki students and others. The spiritual discipline of Reiki requires you to work more closely with the Reiki Principles and integrate them into your daily life so that they become a natural part of your existence. By meditating and studying the Reiki symbols, you can better understand their meanings.
Sally Nardone
Other than Reiki, we will discuss various other methods of working on your personal growth and spiritual development, such as meditation, visualization, and working with spirit guides and angels. But first, we will look at the principles that Dr. Usui believed would aid his students in their spiritual development—the Reiki Principles.
Frankie Fox
None of these procedures need the use of the Reiki Symbols, thus they are accessible to anybody with any degree of Reiki. However, if you are a Second Degree practitioner, you can begin by drawing a Power Symbol over each palm, intending for Reiki to flow to clear and cleanse your energy body, which can speed up the process.
Sally Nardone
Self-cleansing techniques from the Japanese culture include the first three. You can use the Hatsurei-ho, a combination of energy cleansing and meditation practices, daily to keep your energy clean and clear. I advise you to perform this at the beginning and conclusion of each day and night.
Frankie Fox
As you continue on your spiritual path with Reiki, you develop an increased sensitivity to other people's energies. One possible effect is that you can take up energy from other people and your environment, particularly negative energy.
Frankie Fox
Like Reiki, arranging charged crystals in a grid layout boosts their efficacy. A crystal grid usually has a core crystal surrounded by additional crystals.
Angeline Kohan
Reiki works wonders on most animals, and you may use hand positions similar to those used on humans to get the best results. However, this depends on the animal's size (and temperament).
Frankie Fox
If you've completed the Reiki First Degree course, you'll be able to do a lot more than just treat yourself and your loved ones. This article provides details on using reiki in groups, benefits, and how to deliver Reiki through the aura. The best advice is to experiment and have fun with Reiki because it can take a lifetime to learn all it offers.
Sally Nardone
Reiki isn't just about physical healing. It's holistic, and it may be that other parts of the person are in more need of healing, even though we, as humans, tend to think that physical problems should be dealt with first. Another thing I want to talk about is that not everyone wants to be healed.
Sally Nardone
Here are some techniques to finish your Reiki session with your client. This will help you to understand what to do after the treatment.
Frankie Fox
How long is a piece of string? this is a similar question to this. In other words, it is dependent on the condition being treated.
Cameron Phillips
Reiki is Divinely guided and always goes to the right spots in the body. Additional hand positions are unneeded since Reiki's original 12 hand positions flow quickly into all essential chakra points.
Cameron Phillips
During treatment, keep your fingers closed and your thumb near your hand. Comprehensive Reiki therapy usually involves 12 reiki hand positions on the head and body in the West.
Frankie Fox
You don’t actually need any expensive equipment in order to deliver Reiki to someone—all you need is your hands. However, if you plan to offer Reiki treatments, you'll want to provide a comfortable surface for clients to lay on. If you can afford it, a treatment couch is your best bet. There are numerous models to choose from.
Angeline Kohan