Easy to learn, step by step process to do Animal Reiki and heal your animal.
Angeline Kohan
Get a Reiki Attunement at distance from a certified master for a small fee
Cameron Phillips
After you requested the healing, you should go to your email address and open the email you received from us. Will contain a link to a webpage where you can schedule the time when you want to obtain your Reiki Healing by the master.
Cameron Phillips
Angeline Kohan
Frankie Fox
Frankie Fox
The Diploma of Teaching, Career, Accredited therapists, Bridging, Manual, Philosophy, Mastership process, Training Programmes, Palliative, Book, Children, FAQ
Angeline Kohan
Angeline Kohan
Cameron Phillips
Cameron Phillips
Cameron Phillips
Sally Nardone
Frankie Fox
Frankie Fox
Sally Nardone
Angeline Kohan
Cameron Phillips
Angeline Kohan