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3 Amazing Techniques To Strengthen Your Mind With Reiki

3 Amazing Techniques To Strengthen Your Mind With Reiki

Table of Contents

Mind BenderMental ArrowReiki Breathing

Reiki is an emotional and physical pain-relieving art and practice. Many people use it to treat mental health issues, marital problems, and even physical pain in their thighs, chests, and arms. It helped me and the many students I've taught over the last ten years tremendously.

There is, though, one benefit of Reiki that many people overlook. Reiki will also allow you to strengthen your mind, which you probably didn't know! It's one of Reiki's least well-known features.

Universal Energy, although capable of healing, can also be used to intensify. Consider this: the warmth and light we get from the power that surrounds us. This energy has the power to strengthen and regenerate!

If you can see, Reiki can be used to defend against things like:

  • Assembling Psychic Shields
  • Carrying out Psychic Surgery
  • Healing the Chakra of the Heart

Reiki, on the other hand, has a wide range of applications, including:

  • It is possible to develop uncompromising talent.
  • It is possible to hear the thoughts of others.
  • Obtaining access to the Higher Realms.

For whatever excuse, several Reiki Masters are afraid to share this knowledge with you.

They want you to be with them and they have the ability to hold you and cure hurts that you might not yet be aware of. Maybe you're saying to yourself, "That's fantastic! Why would anyone do such a thing?" The clear interpretation is that this is how they were always taught.

Higher Realms

I had to go through years of rigorous training to get to where I am now as a Reiki Master. I spent years studying, reading, and teaching, and I had to move slowly because one of my instructors said, "That's the way it is." This was how I discovered a lot of other people were being trained. They keep secrets in order to keep certain things "sacred," as they say.

Contrary to common opinion, I agree that making Reiki as available as possible to as many people as possible is important. My aim is to provide you with as much useful information as possible so that you can create your own course, which includes teaching you how to use Reiki!

In this article, I'll show you how to use Reiki to improve your mental health and explain how they function. Both of these tactics are ones that I use and have found to be successful when I need a mental lift for work or a new idea in the past.

Mind Bender

One of my all-time favorite techniques is this one. When I'm going too deep into my writing or need to crack through a mental block, I use it as a quick pick-me-up. It works by encouraging more energy to seep through your Crown and Third Eye Chakras and pass through them. This boosts the brain's and metal's capabilities to the extent that reality appears to bend.

mind bender

Remember to complete the operation safely, when doing so unsupervised or without anyone who knows what they're doing might lead to serious injury.

If you take things gently, you'll be fine.

The "Mind Bender" Technique is carried out in the following manner:

Lift your hands on the side of your head and maintain their place. Keep your eyes closed and your gaze on the horizon. Do not look at the ground, the horizon, or me; instead, look straight ahead. Imagine two beams of light shooting down from the sky towards your hands, leaving your body square to the front. After around 2-4 minutes, massage the energy into your scalp as if you were showering. 

Allow the energies of Universal Energy to charge your hair and pervade your mind. Allow your hands to relax for about two to three minutes. Allow the energy in your hands to find its way back to the Universe.

Repeat this exercise until you can sense the energy sensations coming from your head. A sense of 'opening' or mental insight can be felt around the top of your head and the center of your brows.

Using this approach to gain as much knowledge and improvement as possible!

Mental Arrow

When you need to get something done fast and must focus deeply, the Mental Arrow is a great activity to do. This approach is comparable to drinking two cups of coffee, but it is much more beneficial to the energetic and physical symptoms. This method, like coffee, can only be used in moderation.

Exercising it so much will lead to acclimation, which means the result will disappear quicker the longer you do it. To continue, I suggest doing this two or three times a week first thing in the morning to get used to the new emphasis you'll most likely have.

mental arrow

You should do the Mental Arrow either lying down or sitting up. It makes no difference because the technique is mostly concerned with what occurs inside vs. outside.

Close your eyes and imagine an arrow emerging from your head. It's a vibrant color that spins in place, poised to lock down and take off. Assume you're out in a field with nothing to do except let the arrow go as far as it can.

To release the arrow, keep the first two fingers (index and middle finger) up to your brow as if you were pressing a button. Slowly inhale for three seconds. Cause the arrow to follow through on the last breath by exhaling completely.

Follow the arrow's path until you can no longer see it. Take a few more deep breaths and repeat. You should open your eyes after this operation is completed.

Give it a few moments; after a bit, you can experience an increase in focus and inspiration. Use it to your advantage!

Reiki Breathing

I agree that a lot of breathwork needs to be performed all over the world, but most people have no idea what it is or how beneficial it can be! If you already do, you're on the right track.

Begin by breathing entirely from your nose instead of your mouth. The nose warms the air until it reaches the nose, causing the air to be pleasantly warm rather than cool as it passes in.

reiki breathing

Once you've started breathing through your nose, follow these steps:

To the count of four, inhale 1,  2,  3,  4. Carry for 4 seconds, then breathe out on a four-count.

Consider each breath like an energy bubble that spreads in your body as you hold it. Perform this exercise for 5 minutes, then exhale as quickly as you can on your last breath.

Proceed with caution if you feel light-headed during this workout. If you do this on a regular basis, you will be able to achieve your fitness and weight loss goals. However, you must finish them; otherwise, they will remain unchanged.

By completing these drills, you can keep your mind in good health.

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Chanting And Toning With Karuna Reiki

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The Ethics Of Distant Reiki Healing

The Second Degree procedures teach you how to transmit powerful healing to anybody, anywhere, at any time, including the past and future. Using the Distant (Connection) Symbol helps you to construct a bridge between you and the person (or animal) you wish to heal.

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How To Build A Successful Reiki Practice - FAQs

After you've mastered the techniques necessary to perform Reiki on others in-person and remotely, it is entirely up to you to decide whether Reiki is something you wish to pursue as a more formal public practice.

Integrative And Functional Medicine —Personalized Care For The 21st Century

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The Karuna Reiki Attunements

A common belief is that compassionate action is captured in this non-traditional form of Reiki. When used in conjunction with Usui Reiki, it has a powerful effect on its own, but even more so.

Karuna Master Symbols and Their Uses

Other healing systems incorporate the Karuna Reiki Master symbols. For instance, The International Center for Reiki Training incorporates the Usui Dai Ko Myo, Tibetan Dai Ko Mio, and Tibetan Fire Serpent into our Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master Training.

Kuan Yin - The Goddess Of Mercy

Kuan Yin is an example of an enlightened being. Bodhisattva, or enlightened being, guards the earth. The Chinese deity Kuan Yin is revered as a symbol of compassion and love.

Possible Side Effects Of A Karuna Reiki Attunement

Becoming a Reiki practitioner with the ability to heal oneself and others is a beautiful path that allows you to make a difference in the world. While it is exciting to receive an attunement in order to increase your frequency and connection to the universal life force energy, these attunements come at a cost.

The Traditional Karuna Reiki Attunements

Karuna is typically only taught to Usui Reiki Master practitioners. There are four levels of Karuna instruction. There are four levels of mastery in this system: two for practitioners and two for masters.

Original Karuna Attunements - The Sai Baba Reiki Attunements

For those wishing to view the original Sai Baba attunement process in order to compare it to later attunements, these are included for informational purposes only. You will notice a resemblance between these and the attunements developed later.

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