Each day, use these procedures to practice Reiki and Acupuncture. A different topic and body part are covered in each instruction. The meditations are aimed to help you focus on yourself while you practice Reiki. Your time with each course is entirely up to you. Do this daily for better results.
Bend your left elbow 90 degrees. The Point is above the string on the inside of the elbow.
Massage the Point Chi ze in clockwise and counterclockwise circles. The longer you massage the point, the better the result. Repeat the massage on the right hand's Point Chi ze. Massage many times daily. You can attain the best results by using white adhesive plaster and a buckwheat grain. The grain massage is considerably more effective.
The Point is a handbreadth under the kneecap and a thumb breadth outside the shinbone.
Massage the left leg's Point Zu san li in clockwise and counterclockwise circles. The longer you massage the point, the better the result. Repeat the massage on the right leg's Point Zu san li. Massage many times daily. You can attain the best results by using white adhesive plaster and a buckwheat grain. The grain massage is considerably more effective.
Last step is the Reiki Base Chakra Session and Meditation.
The Point is a fingerbreadth above the inner ankle.
Circularly massage the Point San yin jiao or Point SP6 on the left leg. The longer you massage the point, the better the result. Repeat the massage on the right leg's Point San yin jiao. Massage many times daily. You can attain the best results by using white adhesive plaster and a buckwheat grain. The grain massage is considerably more effective.
Bend your left elbow 90 degrees. The Point is above the string on the inside of the elbow.
Massage the Point Chi ze in clockwise and counterclockwise circles. The longer you massage the point, the better the result. Repeat the massage on the right hand's Point Chi ze. Massage many times daily. You can attain the best results by using white adhesive plaster and a buckwheat grain. The grain massage is considerably more effective.
Last step is the Reiki Sacral Chakra Session and Meditation.
Push the right forefinger on the left little finger towards the forearm. The Point is a thumb's breadth under the string, between the hand and the forearm.
Massage the left arm in a clockwise and counterclockwise circular motion. The longer you massage the point, the better the result. Repeat the massage on the right arm's Point Tong Li. Massage many times daily. You can attain the best results by using white adhesive plaster and a buckwheat grain. The grain massage is considerably more effective.
The Point is on the nasal bridge.
Point-Massage Circular movements in tan clockwise and anticlockwise. The longer you massage the point, the better the result. Massage many times daily. You can attain the best results by using white adhesive plaster and a buckwheat grain. The grain massage is considerably more effective.
Last step is the Reiki Solar Plexus Chakra Session and Meditation.
Massage the Point Shen men on the left hand in circular motions. The longer you massage the point, the better the result. Repeat the massage on the Point Shen men on the right hand. Massage many times daily. You can attain the best results by using white adhesive plaster and a buckwheat grain. The grain massage is considerably more effective.
The Point is to the left of the left eye's outer corner.
Massage Point Yuj Wej in clockwise and counterclockwise circles. The longer you massage the point, the better the result. Repeat the massage on the right eye's Point Yuj wej am. Massage many times daily.
Last step is the Reiki Heart Chakra Session and Meditation.
Touch the tops of the auricles on both sides. Move both hands to the crown of the head. The point is there.
Point-Massage Bai hui in clockwise and anticlockwise circles. The longer you massage the point, the better the result. Massage many times daily. You can attain the best results by using white adhesive plaster and a buckwheat grain. The grain massage is considerably more effective.
The Point is in the left auricle (not inside but next to the ear canal).
Massage the Point in clockwise and counterclockwise circles. The longer you massage the point, the better the result. Repeat the massage on the right ear's Point of Heart. Massage many times daily. You can attain the best results by using white adhesive plaster and a buckwheat grain. The grain massage is considerably more effective.
Last step is the Reiki Throat Chakra Session and Meditation.
Chanting And Toning With Karuna Reiki
The Karuna Reiki experience taught me that toning or chanting during a Karuna Reiki session causes profound shifts in the healing energy's vibrational frequency. The Mahayana Buddhist tradition of the bodhisattva Avalokitesvhara, who creates the Sound that Illuminates the World, validates this notion.
The Ethics Of Distant Reiki Healing
The Second Degree procedures teach you how to transmit powerful healing to anybody, anywhere, at any time, including the past and future. Using the Distant (Connection) Symbol helps you to construct a bridge between you and the person (or animal) you wish to heal.
Guided Meditation To Help Heal The Shadow Self Can Change Your Life
The shadow self refers to the aspects of ourselves that have been repressed into the unconscious — the aspects of ourselves that we are insecure about, ashamed of, or frustrated with. The shadow self-concept is based on the idea that we metaphorically bury those aspects of our personalities that we fear will not be accepted, accepted, or loved by others; thus, we keep them in the shadows.
How To Build A Successful Reiki Practice - FAQs
After you've mastered the techniques necessary to perform Reiki on others in-person and remotely, it is entirely up to you to decide whether Reiki is something you wish to pursue as a more formal public practice.
Integrative And Functional Medicine —Personalized Care For The 21st Century
The goal of integrative and functional medicine is to get to the root cause of health problems and treat the whole person with a combination of approaches—optimizing health for those who have it and restoring health for those who have lost it. Integrative medicine and functional medicine are often used interchangeably, but the terms are actually referring to two different approaches to patient care.
The Karuna Reiki Attunements
A common belief is that compassionate action is captured in this non-traditional form of Reiki. When used in conjunction with Usui Reiki, it has a powerful effect on its own, but even more so.
Karuna Master Symbols and Their Uses
Other healing systems incorporate the Karuna Reiki Master symbols. For instance, The International Center for Reiki Training incorporates the Usui Dai Ko Myo, Tibetan Dai Ko Mio, and Tibetan Fire Serpent into our Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master Training.
Kuan Yin - The Goddess Of Mercy
Kuan Yin is an example of an enlightened being. Bodhisattva, or enlightened being, guards the earth. The Chinese deity Kuan Yin is revered as a symbol of compassion and love.
Possible Side Effects Of A Karuna Reiki Attunement
Becoming a Reiki practitioner with the ability to heal oneself and others is a beautiful path that allows you to make a difference in the world. While it is exciting to receive an attunement in order to increase your frequency and connection to the universal life force energy, these attunements come at a cost.
The Traditional Karuna Reiki Attunements
Karuna is typically only taught to Usui Reiki Master practitioners. There are four levels of Karuna instruction. There are four levels of mastery in this system: two for practitioners and two for masters.
Original Karuna Attunements - The Sai Baba Reiki Attunements
For those wishing to view the original Sai Baba attunement process in order to compare it to later attunements, these are included for informational purposes only. You will notice a resemblance between these and the attunements developed later.